Sunday, December 28, 2014

Part I- Spiritual Life

Getting into God's Word is much more of a priority than we give proper attention too for some of us. I know (sadly) that it is the easiest thing to let go for "just this one day" due to various distractions. No time, kids crying, errands to run, house is a mess, or simply, don't want too!

It is a habit I fall in and out of way to often. I do really good at making it a priority just as good as I do at putting it off. And this is coming from a girl who was raised in a church and good grief! My dad was a pastor! Me? Of all people to struggle at getting into God's Word?

It is true though.

How ardently the Lord tells us to dig into His Word, to seek him in prayer and supplication, to praise Him...

2 Timothy 3:14-17- But as for you, continue in what you have learned an firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.

Psalm 119:11- I have stored up your wor in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Joshua 1:8- This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have goo success.

Psalm 119:105- Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

It is so important to make it a top priority.

Some most excellent advice I received from my dearest friend's mom was to have a place, a special place, that you sit for the purpose of reading your Bible. Or to focus on prayer and worship. I have had multiple "places" as the years have gone by. From my bed as a teenager, to one certain couch cushion in our living room and now a chair in my master bedroom. I will sit in it to do my reading and thoughtful, intentional prayer time. It helps me to focus on God, and to think and dwell on Him. If that would be something to help you in keeping God Time a priority, I encourage you to do so!

Growing up, I would always see my mother each and EVERY morning pour her coffee, make a bagel and sit on her special Lazy Boy recliner and read her devotional  and Bible. Seeing it every day really imprinted in me how she made it her routine. Coffee and breakfast are synonoumous with her God Time.

I have several ideas I have done to keep me on track to daily Bible reading and intential prayer time. I will switch it up as the seasons in my life change, and it doesn't always fit my ever changing days and schedules. Here are some examples:

No facebook/email/texts/tv until after I have read my Bible
Breakfast with the Daily Light
While my daughter "wakes up" first thing in the morning as she drinks her milk
As a cool down after working out
My daughter's nap

I encourage you to try and feel free to flex with whatever fits you and your family's life! My husband and I like to pray and read something together! When we were first married we actually had time to read WHOLE CHAPTERS of the Word together! No way now! We do, however, do our best at making it a habit at reading the entry of the Daily Light and a quick prayer before he goes to work. That is enough! Deep theological Bible studies aren't needed to draw a couple to the Lord! Unity in prayer and washing in the Word, however quick/short, is so beneficial at keeping God in the center. Your children will see and watch, and IMPACT them more than you realize!

What exactly to read!? I used to stress and stress about that. Is the Lord going to press on my heart what to read? Or am I left to my own decision? Is a devotional cheating?

Peace be upon me, upon you. If the Lord presses to read or study something specific then do so. If not, find a book and read, or get that chronological dusted off and read the daily reading. Only have time for a simple devotional on a quickie look at a single verse for the day? Hey, your heart and mind will dwell on that verse then. Peace.

I enjoy the yearly reading plans. It gives me a list (I LOVE lists....) and a goal for each day with the end result having read the Bible in a year. That is a fun thing for me :-)

I simply google for read the bible in a year and several links are available to print off a years worth of daily readings! I like chronological! I print and fold and store in my Bible.

I also like to do a devotional, when I have time, and recommend for wives and mothers some of Nancy Campbell's material. Like 100 days of blessings. So encouraging. Daily Light is a good one too. All scripture! Morning and Evening readings of compiled scripture. Short, sweet, and no opinions!

I have some devotionals that I want to do but it just isn't the time for yet. I have the 30 Day Praise Challenge still sitting on my shelf! One day that will give some umpff to my every day routine!

With the new year on the horizon, I am off to print my daily Bible reading! I think with where I am right now, my best bet for reading is going to be when my daughter is napping in the afternoon. At which point I will drop EVERYTHING and sit (maybe have to nurse or hold my son) and focus on the Lord. What are you planning on doing?

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